Click below to view a few sample, clips from the DVD Video Companion for Teaching to Transform Not Inform

DVD Video Companion for Teaching to Transform Not Inform 1

The sample clips below are taken from different lessons you will find on the DVD Video Companion for Teaching to Transform Not Inform series. These DVDs leads your teachers through the each book in the Teaching to Transform Not Inform series. Dr. Simon presents the content chapter by chapter and includes questions for group discussion. The DVDs are designed to do all the work for you.

Most teachers learn how to become informational teachers as they incorporate the teaching techniques teachers have modeled for them over the years. While these techniques are important for teaching the mind ideas and thoughts, if we desire to become transformational teachers, who impact the heart, then several additional teaching techniques are needed.

This series focuses on both informational and transformational teaching techniques that effectively teach the head and heart through a step-by-step, biblically grounded, tested, and proven approach. Within this series, you will learn how to improve the listener's comprehension and understanding, but more importantly, how to help them accept and obey the truth from the heart. As you learn to replace informational or educational lessons with life-altering transformational ones, your impact will ripple from person to person to person.