Bible Study Lessons

Topic: Bible Study Lessons

The single most significant principle for teaching Bible study lessons

Bible Study Lessons

The single most significant principle for teaching Bible study lessons is given by Jesus just before he ascends into heaven. Matthew 28:19-20 is one of the last commands Jesus gives to us and is often referred to as the Great Commission. Within these few verses, Jesus gives teachers a clear and concise teaching goal: "Therefore go and make disciples . . . teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Notice how Jesus does not tell us to only explain what we are to obey. He also doesn’t tell us to simply teach our listeners how to obey; rather, Jesus says, "make disciples . . . teaching them to obey." In short, Jesus makes life-altering transformation our primary teaching goal.

This means that when you teach Bible study lessons, you certainly need to provide information and explanation, but that is only so you can achieve your ultimate goal . . . transformation. You may ask yourself, “Well, how are transformational Bible study lessons different than regular ones?” That is a great question, and one which the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series focuses on and answers.

How to change informational Bible study lessons into transformational ones

Bible Study Lessons

If transformation and fulfilling the Great Commission is your goal, the first thing you need to learn is how to change informationally or educationally oriented Bible study lessons into life-altering transformational ones. You need to know how to teach both the mind and the heart which then results in transforming your listeners from the inside out. You need to learn how to fulfill the Great Commission through your teaching ministry by incorporating transformational teaching principles throughout the different portions of your Bible study lessons.

Bible Study Lessons Tip: Information and Explanation are foundational to our teaching, but transformation is the goal.

To learn how to do this, continue reading the articles listed in the menu on the left or for a fuller explanation, feel free to get a copy of the books in the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series where the information is listed in a simple, practical format along with many how-to examples.

Bible Study Lessons
Teaching is far more than reading the text
and explaining what occurred;
it’s changing lives through the Word.

To learn more about Bible Study Lessons, see Teaching to Transform Not Inform 2: How to Teach a Transformational Sunday School Lesson...STEP-BY-STEP.

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Additional Topics for Bible Study Lessons
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How to teach more in a bible study lesson by teaching less How to develop a life-changing Bible study lesson
How to become one of the imperfect people god uses to teach bible study lessons. How to find and emphasize the central truth of a lesson
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