Bible Study / Sunday School
Teaching Tips and Helps
Topic: Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps: the seven teaching elements that must be in every lesson that has transformation as its goal.
Articles including Bible study and Sunday school teaching tips and helps

This website centers around Bible study and Sunday school teaching tips and helps. I have listed a few of the articles in the left-hand column menu, but you will find many more teaching tips and helps in the “Articles” drop down menu at the top.
Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps in the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series
Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps: Information and Explanation are foundational to our teaching, but transformation is the goal.
Even though you can find numerous books that claim to have Bible study or Sunday school teaching tips and helps, few of them actually provide a simple, practical, step-by-step, approach to teaching lessons that help listeners, first, understand the biblical text, then second, apply it to their life. Many Sunday school teachers are familiar with the teaching methods and principles demonstrated by their former, public school teachers. As a result, if they have not been taught otherwise, they tend to emulate them when teaching the Bible. Of course, this is not the best approach since their school teacher’s teaching methodology is designed for teaching facts, figures, theories, and other informationally based knowledge.
Even though teaching information is part of what we do as a Sunday school or Bible study teacher, it is not all we do. We not only want our listeners to understand the information, but also to personally accept it and integrate it into their lives. In short, school teachers teach the head; Bible teachers teach the head and the heart. So, we need to integrate their teaching methodology into our own teaching, but we must also integrate teaching principles designed to teach the heart.
Seven Sunday school teaching tips and helps

The Teaching To Transform Not Inform teacher training series has been designed for this very purpose. It includes the most important principles for teaching the head and the heart. For example, in addition to numerous Bible study and Sunday school teaching tips and helps, the second book in the series gives the following seven teaching elements that must be integrated into every lesson that has life-change as its primary goal.
- Sticky Proverb:
- A short, memorable proverb that clearly states the passage's central truth and application.
- Ramblemation:
- Transform lives with lessons focused on and centered around the Sticky Proverb.
- The Connection:
- Instantly grab and hold attention by connecting listeners to the Bible study's application and relevance.
- Visual Anchor:
- The visual, concrete image, object, story, illustration, analogy, example, metaphor, testimony, or real-life situation that depicts the lesson's Sticky Proverb in a ridiculous, crazy, impossible, illogical, absurd, disproportionate, exaggerated, or animated way.
- Here's-How Teaching:
- The thorough, applicable explanation of the biblical text that directly supports the Sticky Proverb.
- Roadblocks:
- The challenges, experiences, misunderstandings, justifications, rationalizations, and objections the teacher helps listeners remove so they can integrate the truth into their life.
- The Conclusion Challenge:
- Summary of the most important points and the challenge to apply them.
How to teach a Bible study Tip: "If you want listeners to remember your lesson, give them a picture; if you don't mind them forgetting, abstract truths work just fine."
To find more Bible study and Sunday school teaching tips and helps, visit our store and get a copy of the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series.
Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps:
Public school teachers teach the head;
Bible teachers teach the head and the heart;
teach accordingly.

To find more links on Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to be a Sunday school teacher
- How To Teach Sunday School
- Teaching Adult Sunday School
- Goal of Teaching Sunday School
- How to become a better, more effective, Sunday school teacher
- How to improve my your teaching skills techniques
- Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps
- Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
Book 1 Topics for: Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps | Book 2 Topics for: Bible study / Sunday school teaching tips and helps |
Sunday school teaching tip: Your impact does not stop at the end of class . . . it ripples from person to person to person all the way into eternity | Bible study teaching tip: Before preparing your outline, clearly identify the specific goal and truth of the lesson. |
Sunday school teaching help: Deliver a concluding challenge that can actually be performed. | Bible study teaching help: Avoid Ramblemation by identifying and clarifying the lesson's Sticky Proverb |
Sunday school teaching tips: Avoid cliche challenges that don't really mean anything. | Bible study teaching tips: Create and present a Sticky Proverb in every lessons, a short, memorable proverbial statement. |
Sunday school teaching helps: Include a start and stop time for every challenge. | Bible study teaching helps: Take time to craft your conclusion. |