How to be a Sunday school teacher

(The following principles are taken from Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1)

How to be a Sunday school teacher:
Care for and feed God's sheep

How to be a Sunday school teacher and Care for God's sheep

When considering how to be a Sunday school teacher, the teacher’s God-given role or calling is most important. Many view teaching as a calling to be an educator within the church. That is, they beleive their goal is to teach and explain the Bible to their class. However, even though the biblical calling includes explanation, it extends beyond this goal. Instead, it is a calling to care for God’s children, to feed them from the Word, and to teach them how to live their lives with the Bible as the authority of all that is said.

How to be a Sunday school teacher:
God called Peter to care for and feed his sheep

I realize we often refer to this teaching activity with words such as “school” or “study” as in Sunday school or Bible study, but what you’re shooting for is far different than what a teacher shoots for in a school setting. When you teach, the goal extends beyond teaching facts, history, theology, and principles. Instead, it’s all about spiritually growing Al, John, Karen, Wayne, Donna, and all the others in your class. Consider how Jesus' words to Peter relate to how to be a Sunday school teacher.

How to be a Sunday school teacher resources

This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead. When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”   — John 21:14–17

How to be a Sunday school teacher:
Jesus forgave Peter's past as He will forgive ours

Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times, so Jesus used this threefold calling to ensure Peter knew he was forgiven and that Jesus still wanted him to feed and take care of believers. As a result, Peter organized his life and activities so that he could care for believers and transform their lives through the Word.

How to be a Sunday school teacher:
God also calls us to care for and feed His sheep

How to be a Sunday school teacher:
Teaching is far more than reading the text and explaining what occurred; it’s changing lives through the Word.

Of course, Jesus isn’t calling just Peter and pastors to care for and feed his sheep; he is also calling individuals like you and me. In the same way Peter was forgiven for denying he even knew Jesus, we also are forgiven for our sins and commissioned to continue in ministry. And like Peter’s ministry, God doesn’t view this as some small, incidental side ministry in your life; rather, it is a call to take care of and feed Jesus’ sheep. It is far more than reading the text and explaining what occurred; it’s changing lives through the Word. It is a powerful ministry where God Almighty speaks through his Word, through you, and into the lives of those within your class.Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times, so Jesus used this threefold calling to ensure Peter knew he was forgiven and that Jesus still wanted him to feed and take care of believers. As a result, Peter organized his life and activities so that he could care for believers and transform their lives through the Word.

>> To learn more about how to be a Sunday school teacher, see chapter 3 in Teaching to Transform Not Inform 1: Foundational Principles for Making an Informational Sunday School Lesson...TRANSFORMATIONAL (Sunday School Teacher Training).

See the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series to discover how to be an effective Sunday school teacher

The Teaching To Transform Not Inform series gives you a simple, practical, step-by-step method for how to become an effective Sunday school teacher who changes the lives of those in your class. It will show you how to teach both the head and the heart so that they not only understand biblical principles, but accept and integrate them into their life as well. Visit our store to get a more detailed outline of the book that will show you how to teach Sunday School.

Find more links for how to be a Sunday school teacher

Find more links on how to be a Sunday school teacher, see the following:

Additional Topics for how to be a Sunday school teacher
Book 1 Topics for: how to be a Sunday school teacher Book 2 Topics for: how to be a Sunday school teacher
How You Teach More by Teaching Less The 7 Ingredients of a Transformational Lesson
How to Become One of the Imperfect People God Uses The Sticky Proverb
Create a ripple that continues into eternity The Visual Anchor
The Teaching To Transform Not Inform series will show you how to be a Sunday school teacher Avoiding Ramblemation