How to Grow My Sunday School Class by Teaching To Transform & Not Inform



How to grow my Sunday school class: Individuals Join Classes that...

If you have ever asked, “How do I grow my Sunday school class?” remember, next week, millions of men and women will attend Sunday school classes hoping to learn how to deepen their relationship with God and honor him within our contemporary culture. If you are a teacher, some of these individuals will visit your Sunday school class and give you the opportunity to be one of those who spiritually guides them throughout this lifetime.


How to grow your Sunday school class by following Jesus' teaching goal

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives us a clear and concise teaching goal: “Therefore go and make disciples...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Notice he does not say, teach them what to obey or even how to obey; rather, he says, “make disciples...teaching them to obey.” As a result, Jesus made life-altering transformation (not simply information or explanation) our primary teaching goal. In short, you grow your Sunday school class by becoming an M28:20 Teacher, who helps individuals become fully devoted disciples.


Fulfilling the Great Commission through your teaching ministry

The Teaching To Transform Not Inform series is designed to help you grow your Sunday school class by showing you how to transition from a teacher who teaches the Bible to a teacher who teaches individuals to obey the Bible (Matthew 28:20). It will show you how to teach both the head and the heart using a step-by-step, biblically grounded, tested and proven approach. You will learn how to improve the listener’s comprehension and understanding, but more important, you will learn how to help them accept and obey the truth. As you learn to replace informationally or educationally oriented lessons with life-altering transformational ones, the results of your teaching ministry will ripple all the way into eternity.


How this series is different:

A-to-Z Training: When you piece together training materials from various sources, you end up with either duplicate material or gaps. The Teaching To Transform Not Inform seminars/books overcome this since each new seminar/book builds upon previous ones providing a complete, linear path for learning more and more advanced teaching skills that answer the question, "How to grow my Sunday school class?"

Equips you to teach the head and heart: Like other books and seminars, the Teaching To Transform Not Inform resources equip you to teach the head (i.e., beliefs, understanding, etc.), but it takes you a step further by explaining how you can help your class “personally accept” and “apply” the truths in their heart and life (i.e., values, attitudes, prejudices, etc.).

Innovative & Practical: This series is full of simple, practical teaching principles and how-to steps to ensure your Bible study and Sunday school lessons lead listeners into an intimate relationship with Christ. We've sifted and condensed the material so only the key, foundational principles, methods, and techniques remain.

Wise Investment: Give a few minutes of your time, and you'll receive what has taken years to figure out. Give a few minutes of your time, and you'll learn how to grow your Sunday school class by Teaching to transform and not simply inform.


Visit our Store to find resources on how to grow my Sunday school class.

And, of course, that is the goal of the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series: to point out some of the most effective teaching principles you can use, why and when you should use them, and how they impact your listeners. For example, in the second book in the series, you will discover the goal and purpose of seven of the most important teaching principles you should include in every lesson. Visit our store to obtain a more detailed outline of the book and how it answers the question, How to grow my Sunday School.

How to grow my Sunday school class Tip:
Individuals visit Bible studies because they are invited, but they will join yours because your teaching changes their lives.



How to grow my Sunday school class through transformational lessons



Find more links for How to grow my Sunday school class

Find more links on how to grow my Sunday school class, see the following:





Additional topics for how to grow my Sunday school class
Book 1 Topics for: How to grow my Sunday school class Book 2 Topics for: How to grow my Sunday school class
Teaching principle: You teach More by teaching More Teaching principle: You Teach More by Teaching Less
Create a ripple that extends into eternity Create a Sticky Proverb before the lesson outline
Changing lives for eternity The Visual Anchor helps listeners remember your lesson for weeks and months
How to grow my Sunday school class Principles and teaching techniques for how to grow my Sunday school class