How to Improve Communication
Topic: Five of the most important principles for how to improve communication.
Unconventional wisdom for how to improve communication
Explaining “how to improve communication” in a short article is about as challenging as explaining “the meaning of life” in the same amount of space. Even so, five key points rise above the others:
The 5 Key Points
- Within the first two minutes of your lesson, explain what will be gained by listening and how your lesson will improve an area of your listeners’ life they already want to improve.
- Clearly explain the biblical text while highlighting its life principles.
- Give a step-by-step method for applying the principles to everyday life. In other words, don’t simply say, “You need to be a godly husband.” Instead, tell them “how” to be a godly husband. What exactly does the text tell them to do?
- Finally, help them remove any personal roadblocks that may hinder them from applying the lesson to their life and
- Challenge them to take the first step.

How to improve communication Tip:
The goal of the introduction is NOT to introduce the lesson, but to create a huge desire to listen to the remainder of the lesson.
If you can integrate these five principles, then you will see a dramatic increase in the impact your communication is having on others. Is there more to know about how to improve communication? Absolutely! But first, make sure you are applying these principles.
Now, these principles may appear elementary and basic, but then again, first impressions are deceiving. Let’s look at how to improve communication using the first principle: telling your class, within the first two minutes, why they should listen. I can’t tell you how many teachers spend the first two minutes of their lesson like this:
Good morning. I hope everyone is awake. If you need to refill your coffee cup, feel free to do so. Mike, thanks for making the announcements this morning. If you have your Bible, please open it to Ephesians 6:4. Oh, and let’s thank Mary for bringing the snack today. That was delicious. Anyway, today we are going to look at what Paul has to say about fathers exasperating their children. Has anyone found the verse yet? Would someone like to read that for us?? While you are finding the passage, let me make one other quick announcement?…
I realize that beginning with this type of small talk is a fairly common way to begin a lesson, but it is a habit worth breaking. Once the lesson begins, your first job is to capture your listeners’ attention so they stop thinking about everything going on in their life along with all of the announcements and prayer requests that have just been given. However, if your introduction includes small talk and additional announcements, then it simply interjects new distractions and gives your listeners even more to think about. Instead of redirecting their attention toward the lesson, the small talk distracts them even further.
How to improve communication: Don’t introduce the lesson in the introduction!
Now, I’m going to give you a communication principle that may appear to contradict conventional wisdom, but here it goes: I believe the primary goal of the introduction is NOT to introduce the lesson! It is not to introduce the topic, the passage, or anything of the like. Rather, your primary goal in the first few minutes of the lesson is to create within your audience a huge desire to listen to the remainder of the lesson. If your introduction can get them to stop eating their donut and drinking their coffee, it’s done its job and you’re ready to move on. You first need to tell them WHY they should listen, then you’ll have the rest of the lesson to tell them WHAT the Bible says about the topic they are now interested in hearing about. How do you improve your communication? Simple . . . make sure everyone wants to hear what you are about to say!
How to improve communication: begin with the very reason your listeners should listen

Improve your communication by beginning with the very reason your listeners should listen. Instead of starting with an introduction that may or may not interest them, tell them why the lesson matters, how it will benefit them, and what is at stake if they fail to listen. Don’t begin with anything that may cause some to drift off and think about anything other than your lesson. Be careful not to present information that is interesting to you but not everyone else. The goal of the introduction is certainly to focus everyone on the text, but more importantly, it is to create a desire to listen! Once they are listening, you have the rest of the lesson to say everything else.
Resources for how to improve communication
If you’re interested in resources centered around how to improve communication skills, get a copy of the books in the “Teaching To Transform Not Inform” series. They are filled with practical, step-by-step teaching principles and methods similar to the one given here.
How to improve communication
If your introduction creates a desire to listen;
you have the rest of the lesson to say everything else.

To find more links on How to improve communication, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to teach a Bible study
- Teaching the Bible
- Teaching a Bible study
- How to teach a Bible study fellowship lesson
- How to lead a Bible study
- Bible study lesson
- Bible study training
- How to improve communication
- How to improve communication
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
Book 1 Topics for: How to improve communication | Book 2 Topics for: How to improve communication |
Replace informational deliveries with transformational teaching (chapter 4) | Deliver both explanation and application (chapter 6) |
Articulate specifics over generalities (chapter 1) | Learn how to replace "you-should" declarations with "here-how" teaching (chapter 6) |
Create a connection that gets their attention. | Identify and remove roadblocks that may impede change (chapter 7) |
How to improve communication | How to improve your communication skills by removing Ramblemation (chapter 3) |