How to Train Youth Sunday School Teachers

How to train youth Sunday school teachers

Topic: How to train youth Sunday school teachers to create Christ-centered youth

Few areas in youth ministry are more important than knowing how to train youth Sunday school teachers. Most individuals have had little to no teacher training. As a result, their lessons tend to become extended informationally-based, audible commentaries that explain verse after verse and point after point.

Of course, it is understandable why so many youth Sunday school teachers follow this format. After all, this is the teaching model their public school teachers have modeled for them throughout most of their educational years. Even the majority of college professors assume their goal is to throw out as much information as possible and hope their students catch it.

As a result, we believe the teacher's role is to provide information, such as names, dates, events, theology, principles, and more. So, unless you train your youth Sunday school teachers how to teach application oriented lessons, they will become fountains of information with lessons centering around background material, Old Testament history, New Testament customs, dates, biblical events, theology, and more. All good stuff, but Jesus calls us not to give information, but to make disciples.
How to train youth Sunday school teachers

Learn how to train youth Sunday school teachers to teach application-oriented lessons

How to train youth Sunday school teachers Tip: "Teaching is far more than reading the text and explaining what occurred; it's changing lives through the Word."

The Teaching To Transform Not Inform series makes teacher training simple. The series gives teachers the most effective, application-oriented teaching principles they can use, why and when they should use them, and how the principles will change their youths' lives. For example, the second book in the series (Teaching To Transform Not Inform 2) explains the seven most important teaching principles that must be in every lesson that has life-change as its primary goal. We offer a full money-back guarantee so you can look them over without any risk! You can order a copy here.

How to train youth Sunday school teachers
"Most great teachers
don't start as great teachers
but develop over time."

>> To learn more about how to train youth Sunday school teachers, see chapter 1 in Teaching to Transform Not Inform 1: Foundational Principles for Making an Informational Sunday School Lesson...TRANSFORMATIONAL.

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