How to lead a Bible study |
7 Steps to Leading a Bible Study

Topic: To lead a Bible study that changes your listener's life, include these 7 elements within the Bible study

Leading a Bible study that changes the head and heart

Lead-Leading a Bible study

The teaching methods used for leading a large-group Bible study will vary some from those you use when you lead a Bible study with five to fifteen people. For example, when you lead a Bible study for say 25 individuals, you often need to control more of the class discussion and do more of the teaching than when you lead a Bible study that includes five or six people.

When you lead a Bible study, remember even though listeners may comprehend the study, various, personal roadblocks hinder them from personally accepting and applying it to their lives.

For a variety of reasons, it is usually more difficult to make sure everyone is sharing their views and insights when you lead a Bible study for a large group than for a smaller group of people. Also, in a large group setting, you need to set the pace and direction of the teaching, so the class doesn’t become a here-is-what-I-think Bible study.

Lead-Leading a Bible study

When you lead a Bible study, include these 7 elements

Nonetheless, whether you are leading a Bible study for five people or five hundred people, you need to integrate seven elements within your lesson. Almost never will the others in the study come up with these elements on their own, yet these elements are going to be the very reason they understand, remember, and apply the lesson to their lives.

To lead a Bible study that includes these seven teaching elements, see the article, “How to Teach an Effective Bible Study Lesson.”

Lead a Bible study that transforms
Without a commitment to explain, prove,
and apply a specific timeless truth,
it is easy to wander from verse to verse
displaying that which scintillates the most.

To learn more about leading a Bible study that includes the seven transformational principles, see the books in the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series.

  • Teaching to Transform Not Inform 1: Foundational Principles for Making an Informational Sunday School Lesson...TRANSFORMATIONAL.
  • Teaching to Transform Not Inform 2: How to Teach a Transformational Sunday School Lesson...STEP-BY-STEP.

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