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  • The goal of Sunday Bible school . . . transformation!

Sunday Bible School

Topic: The goal of Sunday Bible school . . . transformation!

Your Sunday Bible school looks to you for guidance

Sunday Bible school

Each week, millions of people attend Sunday Bible school so that they might deepen their relationship with God and learn how to obey him in the different areas of their life. If you are a teacher, your class will be filled with these individuals looking to you to help them reach this goal.

As a teacher, it is our responsibility to help listeners achieve this goal by learning how to deliver life-altering, transformational lessons. To do this, we need to transition from a teacher who simply teaches what the Bible says, to a teacher who fulfills the Great Commission by teaching individuals to obey the Bible.

The Sunday Bible school goal

Sunday Bible school The Sunday Bible school goal:
Go and make disciples!

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "But, that is not the responsibility of the Sunday Bible school teacher. After all, all I can do is tell them HOW to obey . . . right?" That is a great question and one that takes all of chapter one in Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1 to answer, but to give the short answer, let's just look at the goal Jesus gives us as teachers in Matthew 28:19-20:

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them . . . and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Notice, he does not commission us to teach them WHAT to obey or even HOW to obey. Rather, the command is simple, "teach them TO OBEY everything I have commanded you."

The Sunday Bible school resources

If you want to fulfill the Great Commission through your Sunday Bible school, the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series can help. In the series, you will learn how to teach the head and the heart using a simple, step-by-step, biblically grounded approach. You will learn how to increase your class's comprehension and understanding, but more importantly, you will learn how to help them personally integrate the truth into their life. As you replace informational lessons with transformational ones, the impact of your teaching ministry will ripple from person to person to person. Get a copy of the books in our store!

Sunday Bible school
Your impact does not stop at the end of class . . .
it ripples from person to person to person
all the way into eternity.

Find more links for Sunday Bible school

To find more links on Sunday Bible school, see the following:

Additional topics for Sunday Bible school
Book 1 Topics for: Sunday Bible school Book 2 Topics for: Sunday Bible school
For Jesus, Sunday Bible school is all about transformation (chapter 1) Focus on "Here's-How" teaching (chapter 6)
Delivery style and lesson structure are important, but learning to teach the heart is most important (chapter 2) The Sticky Proverb (chapter 2)
Solving the transformational riddle is the first step to transformational teaching: you teach MORE by teaching less (chapter 3) The Visual Anchor (chapter 5)
Sunday Bible school Avoiding Ramblemation during the Bible school lesson (chapter 3)