Jesus Calls Some
to Train and Equip Other Teachers

God calls some to train and equip leadership

God calls some to train and equip other leaders and teachersGod has called us to go and make disciples. Even though we are all familiar with teaching in a small group or Sunday school setting, God may be calling you to a slightly different teaching role, more specifically, to train and equip teachers. For this ministry, you do not need to be the best teacher in your church. Nor do you need to have all the answers. Instead, it means that God has given you a passion to grow and develop your own teaching skills, that he has given you a passion to help others grow and develop their teaching skills, and that you commit to organize ongoing training for the teachers within your church.

God calls us to Christ-centered transformation

Now, whether you train teachers or teach in a small or large group setting, the important thing to remember is if God has called you to teach his Word, he has privileged you with a crucial ministry and responsibility within the church. It’s not about having a ministry; it’s about changing lives for eternity. It’s not about biblical information; it’s about Christ-centered transformation.

As you consider how to invest the limited amount of time and energy you possess, notice how much of an impact you can have on others as your teaching changes your listener’s lives, and then, their lives impact other people’s lives, who then impact others. As you invest time in your teaching ministry, your impact will ripple from person to person to person.

>> To learn more about trainging and equipping teachers, see chapter 2 in Teaching to Transform Not Inform 2: How to Teach a Transformational Sunday School Lesson...STEP-BY-STEP.