Why Teach Sunday School?
(The following principles are taken from Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1)
Why teach Sunday school when so many other ministries need help?
Recently, due to construction, our church had to combine several Sunday school classes for nearly a year. This meant that each combined class now had, instead of one or two teachers, more like four, five, or six teachers. Even though the situation was a disruption, it was also a revelation in that it revealed the passion our teachers have for teaching and their answer to the question, “Why teach Sunday school?”
For example, during one of the teachers’ meetings, the leader stood up and said, “All right, let’s break up into our classes and create teaching schedules for the next quarter,” and within a minute or two, all the slots were filled. The available slots were scooped up as if they were tickets to win a million dollars.
If you’ve been asked to teach, you may be asking yourself, “Why teach Sunday school?”
If you’ve been asked to be a teacher but have never taught before, you may be asking yourself, “Wow … why is teaching such a priority to them? Why are they so passionate about it? What motivates them to spend hours every week studying and preparing for the lesson? Why teach Sunday school when so many other ministries need volunteers?”
Why teach Sunday school? Because you can create a ripple that extends into eternity

Of course, these are great questions that have equally great answers, as discussed in Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1. For example, chapter six answers, why teach Sunday school, from God’s perspective by looking at the priority God places on you as a teacher, how he works through you to mature those within your church, how your lessons can still be impacting lives a hundred years from now, how you can transform lives as well as educate minds, and last, how you fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20) when you teach.
Why teach Sunday school? Because your teaching affects those outside your class as well as those within
Obviously, your teaching impacts those within your class, but when we ask, why teach Sunday school, we need to also remember the impact our lessons have on those connected to our listeners, including their spouse, children, extended family, neighbors, coworkers, those within your church, and many others.
Why teach Sunday school tip: Your teaching ministry is God’s gift to you, committing to it is your gift to God.
I say all this to remind you of your importance as a teacher and to keep you from viewing each lesson as just one more lesson you have to prepare and teach. I say this to remind you that next week’s Sunday school lesson may, in fact, impact people’s lives 100 years from now. It is a reminder that each time you teach, you are throwing a nugget of truth into the pond of your listeners’ lives. The resulting ripples can extend in all directions for 5, 10, 50, 100, or more years as your teaching impacts your listeners’ lives, and as their lives impact their friend’s lives, which impact their friend’s lives, and so forth.
To further answer the question, why teach Sunday school, see chapter 6 in Teaching to Transform Not Inform 1: Foundational Principles for Making an Informational Sunday School Lesson...TRANSFORMATIONAL.
Why teach Sunday school? Because it allows you to create a ripple each Sunday that extends all the way into eternity!
To find more links answering the question, Why teach Sunday school, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- Goal of Teaching Sunday School
- How to be a Sunday school teacher
- How To Teach Sunday School
- Why Teach Sunday School
- Teaching Sunday School
- by Brad Simon
Book 1 Topics for: Answers to the question, "Why teach Sunday school?" | Book 2: Why teach Sunday school? |
Creative teaching techniques, methods, and principles | How to prepare and teach effective Sunday school lessons |
God uses imperfect People | The Sticky Proverb |
Why teach Sunday school? To create a ripple that continues into eternity | The Visual Anchor |
Why teach Sunday school | Avoiding Ramblemation |