Your Impact as a Sunday School Teacher


Listeners come to you weekly for biblical insights!

When you think about all the different ministries within the church, teaching a Sunday school class has one of the biggest impacts on others. Think about it, every week, those within your class give you 30 to 60 minutes to teach them how to live their lives. That’s remarkable! Where else in the world would an individual, much less an entire group of people, give you this opportunity? It’s really quite amazing. Your class may include doctors, lawyers, engineers, school teachers, moms, dads, grandparents, anyone, everyone. They come to you on a weekly basis for how to live a godly life!

You may be a youth’s primary source of instruction

If you teach children, youth, or college students, you may provide more life instruction in a year’s time than some of them will receive from their family throughout their entire lifetime. Let me say that again, if you teach children, youth, or college students, you may provide more life instruction in a year’s time than some of them will receive from their family throughout their entire lifetime. Your ministry within their lives has an immense influence. You may feel as if nothing is sinking in, but it is. As a teacher, God gives you a wonderful opportunity and a priceless privilege to impact students’ lives in ways few others can or ever will.

>> To learn more about your impact as a Sunday school teacher, see chapter 6 in Teaching to Transform Not Inform 1: Foundational Principles for Making an Informational Sunday School Lesson...TRANSFORMATIONAL.